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Обо всем:

На что же рассчитывают мошенники, рассылающие свои супер-письма?

 Мы знаем, что каждый день к Интернет подключаются тысячи новых пользователей, не имеющих понятия о таких аферах. Большинство этих людей пришли в Интернет, чтобы заработать. И, естественно, получая на свой почтовый ящик подобное письмо с предложением на тысячи долларов (в основном, на иностранном языке), человек отдаст последнее, чтобы получить вожделенную сумму.

Чего хотят от Вас мошенники?

Самое первое - перевести небольшую сумму денег (200-500долларов) на оформление документов. Затем, Ваши данные: фио, действительный адрес, счет и т.д. Могут даже попросить приехать (если письмо из другой страны) за деньгами или для оформления.

  Итак, Вы получаете письмо на электронный ящик, в котором сообщается, что Вы:

1. Счастливый обладатель выигрыша энной суммы денег  по результатам какой-нибудь лотереи (как правило, очень большой, чтоб Вы клюнули.

2. Счастливый обладатель выигрыша благодаря тому, что ваш e-mail был выбран из многих миллионов электронных адресов.

3. Должны помочь кому-то обналичить деньги (выступить поручителем), которые лежат в каком-либо банке и ждут своего предъявителя.

4. Становитесь счастливым обладателем какого-то наследства.

5. Обладатель супер - приза какого-либо сайта, магазина, банка и т.д.

Я перечислила наиболее "популярные" темы писем. Хотя мысль человека, желающего забрать чужие деньги, не имеет пределов, и Вы могли получить что-то другое.
 Так как я веду обширную переписку, а мой электронный адрес находится  в свободном допуске - такие послания я получаю чуть ли не каждый день. Поэтому и появилась эта страничка, чтобы старания этих людей не пропадали даром: я буду выкладывать их на сайте по мере поступления - не забывайте почитать.

Чего нельзя делать, получив такое письмо?

Ни в коем случае не отсылать деньги по указанным адресам, не вести переписку с мошенниками и не отправлять свои паспортные (или другие) данные на е-маилы мошенников.


Если к Вам на почту приходить письмо с какой-нибудь платежной системы (пример привожу ниже)с просьбой перейти на сайт и: прочитать сообщение, получить какую-либо сумму, перевести кому-либо деньги, или ПРОСТО ПЕРЕЙТИ на сайт по предложенной ссылке - НЕ ДЕЛАЙТЕ ЭТОГО.
Почему? Потому что Вам предлагают перейти на ПСЕВДО - САЙТ.
Для чего? Чтобы ВЫ ввели свои данные (логины, пароли, е-маилы). А затем ими воспользуются для входа уже на настоящем сайте и, соответственно, снимут Ваши деньги.

Когда Вам присылают письмо с настоящего сайта - в нем ОБЯЗАТЕЛЬНО укажут Ваши имя и фамилию, а иногда позвонят или пришлют смс для подтверждения. Будьте осторожны! Привожу пример письма, присланное мне якобы с PAYPAL:

От кого:PayPal
Дата:Sat, 20 Mar 2010 08:12:13 +0100
Тема:You have 1 new ALERT message from PayPal

You have 1 new ALERT message
Please login to your PayPal account in order to read the message.
To proceed, please click here
Thank you for using PayPal
Copyright 2010 PayPal Inc. All rights reserved.

О приятном:

Наверное, сегодня нет таких девочек, которые не знают малышек Братц. Мультфильм до сих пор привлекает внимание детей разных стран мира. А многие сайты предлагают различные на основе этого мультика. Тем более, что игры Братц онлайн - это прежде всего развитие мышления ваших детей, а не пустое кликание по клавишам. А разнообразие и красочность этой игры предлагают играть в игры Братц снова и снова.ПИСЬМА:

От кого:

Sun, 14 Feb 2010 21:51:20 -0800 (PST)



Dear Friend,

I know that this email will be a big surprise to you, But I want you to calm down and read very carefully.

I am Dr Hamed Smani, the director in charge of auditing and accounting section of Bank of Africa (BOA) Ouagadougou Burkina-Faso West-Africa with due respect and regard. I have decided to contact you on a business transaction that will be very beneficial to both of us at the end of the transaction.

During our investigation and auditing in this bank, my department came across a very huge sum of money belonging to a deceased person Mr.Emmanuel Etukudo who died on May 2nd, 2004 in a gassy car accident with his entire family on there way back from Bobo-Dioulasso the formal capital city of Burkina-Faso, and the fund has been dormant in his account with this Bank without any claim of the fund in our custody either from his family or relation before our discovery to this development.

The said amount was U.S $9.8M (Nine million eight hundred United States dollars). As it may interest you to know, I got your impressive information through yahoo search on foreign business relations here in Ouagadougou Burkina-Faso. Meanwhile all the whole arrangement to put claim over this fund as the bona fide next of kin to the deceased, to get the required approval and transfer this money to a foreign account has been put in place and directives, and needed information will be relayed to you as soon as you indicate your interest and willingness to assist me and also benefit your self to this great business opportunity.
In fact I could have done this deal alone but because of my position in this country as a civil servant (A Banker), we are not allowed to operate a foreign account and would eventually raise an eye brow on my side during the time of transfer because I work in this bank. This is the actual reason why it will require a second party or fellow who will forward claims as the next of kin with affidavit of trust of oath to the Bank and also present a foreign account where he will need the money to be re-transferred into on his request as it may be after due verification and clarification by the correspondent branch of the bank where the whole money will be remitted from to your own designation bank account
I will not fail to inform you that this transaction is 100% risk free. On smooth conclusion of this transaction, you will be entitled to 40% of the total sum as gratification, while 60% will be for me. Please, you have been advised to keep "top secret" as I am still in service and intend to retire from service after we conclude this deal
I will be monitoring the whole situation here in this bank until you confirm the money in your account and ask me to come down to your country for subsequent sharing of the fund according to percentages previously indicated and further investment, either in your country or any country you advice us to invest in. All other necessary vital information will be sent to you when I hear from y
I will be expecting to hear from you soonest.
Have a nice day

2.От кого:

Mon, 22 Feb 2010 23:57:01 GMT
We Congratulate you for being one of the lucky winners of the 2009/2010 On line promo for Web Mail 2010 FIFA WORLD CUP HOLDING IN SOUTH AFRICA.
YOUR EMAIL ID HAS WON $ 10,000.00 (TEN THUSAND U.S. Dollars only) in the first category of our computer ballot free email lottery prize of the SOUTH AFRICAN 2010
All Participants were selected randomly from the Internet Users through a computer draw system extracted from over a million personal and corporate e-mail addresses that were listed online ..
Your Winning Ticket is ( LWH 382 DT 318, TQ ) And your Batch is ( 3834/WIN/YA/FIFA SA )
No ticket was sold but it is to encourage the use of Internet and world wide to receive your prize you are requested to contact the Payment Agent In Charge of Your Region and contact Brr.David James.
Barr. david James (Esq)
Director International Payment Center(Europe, America,Middle East,Asia and Africa)
Telephone N0: +2348062354330
E-Mail: davidjamesshellagent@yahoo.com
E-Mail: fifapromo2010@yahoo.com
As soon as you contact Him, He Will Advise you on the Procedure to claim your Won Prize to avoid disqualification and canceling of your cheque Keep this information confidential until your fee is send to you.

Дата:Sun, 21 Feb 2010 08:05:32 -0800 (PST)
You have therefore been approved for a lump sum pay out of 250,000.00(Two Hundred And Fifty Thousand Great Britain Pounds Sterlings) in cash credited to file XL/26510460037/06.To file for your claim, please contact our claims agent with the following information:
Agents Name: Mr. Harry Raymond
Provide him with the information below
1.Full Name:2.Full Address:3.Marital Status:4.Occupation:
5.Age:6.Sex:7.Nationality:8.Country Of Residence:9.Telephon Number:

Кому: info@winner.net
Дата:Fri, 19 Feb 2010 03:02:34 -0300
£1,000,000.00 Pounds has been award to you from the Lottery Prize,reply with your Names/Tel/Address/Country for your claim to dr.pinkettsmith@9.cn

5.От кого:"Australian Lottery Inc."
Кому: Promo.notice001@inMail.cz
Дата:Sun, 21 Feb 2010 03:23:01 GMT
Тема:Поздравляем! Вы вон
Поздравляем счастливую победительницу,
Настоящим уведомляем Вас в этом году, австралийский лотереи., Которая является основой для адреса электронной почты для вас во всем мире в одно время в Интернете.
Посредством голосования, электронной почте, вместе с семью другими была выбрана в качестве победителя в лотерее Как следствие, вы выиграли $ 400.000.00USD. Поздравления
Для того, чтобы воспользоваться вашей победы приз, вам необходимо связаться с вашей претензии агента с информацией ниже, и дать ему выигрышный номер: 1 2 26 30 40 21 и Ref номер ILP / HW 46704/10, включая телефонный номер, для простоты общения.
Mr. Williams Kewell.
Подписан о,Управление

6.От кого:"Mr. Frank Burtler"
Дата:Thu, 25 Feb 2010 11:02:27 GMT
Тема:Важное сообщение

Уважаемые Удачливый Победительr,
Ваш адрес электронной почты был выбран в 2010 лотерею ничьих поощрения проводится Европейской лотерее интерактивная программа претендовать на сумму в размере 500000 долларов США. Заявлять свои права на присуждена премия, вам необходимо связаться с нашими законными фидуциарных агентов.
Контактное лицо: Г-н Джеймс Браун
Электронная почта:j.brown1470@live.com
Телефон: +2348063686777
Поздравляем еще раз!

Г-н Франк Burtler(координатор).

7.От кого:Claire page
Дата:Thu, 25 Feb 2010 14:50:12 -0300
Тема:(без темы)
I am Mrs Claire page.i am very sick in the hospital, i want you to be my Beneficiary. Please contact my lawyer
Email: barrister-landon- waston2001@gala.net

8.От кого:Free Lotto
Mon, 1 Mar 2010 01:07:01 -0800 (PST)
Тема:(без темы)
Your Email address have been picked as a winner of a lump sum pay out of($1,000,000.00 USD)in cash credited to file REF> NO.REF:UKHY/BD3113BD.Send your;

to us for more details. Email: winsclaim5@btinternet.com

9.От кого:Zaida Kagame
Mon, 1 Mar 2010 05:35:16 -0800 (PST
Hello Dear Friend,

Hello Dear Friend,
I know that this letter might be a surprise to you but do consider it as an emergency. I am Susan Zaida Kehbe, from Harare,Zimbabwe, 23years old and I presently reside here in Dakar,Senegal with my only brother Kennedy due to the political unrest in our country.I do not know to what extent you are familiar with events and fragile political situation in my country Zimbabwe , but it has formed consistent headlines in the CNN, BBC news bulletins.I will be very glad if you can accept to lead us to the right channel by means of your assistance to transfer and investment of our fund in a safer political economy,we are here in Dakar Senegal because of the fund $3.5 million our late father deposited in the finance house which we want to transfer out from here to your country for investment.Please i will like you to contact me through my private e-mail box for further clarification.Please we are earnestly anticipating your kind assistance. I do hope to hear back from you soon.
Thanks and God bless.
Zaida and brother Kennedy

10.Oт кого:
Дата:Mon, 01 Mar 2010 21:32:52 -0300
Тема:£1,000,000.00 Pounds
Contact Claims agent for your won prize awarded to you by the Lottery Board with your :
Names :

11.От кого:UK
Дата:Sun, 07 Mar 2010 22:31:22 -0300


Congratulations you won,confirm reciept by providing your Complete Details. name, address, age, phone number e

11.От кого:
Lottery Uk
Дата:Sun, 07 Mar 2010 21:57:59 -0300


Congratulations you won £1,000,000.00 Pounds in the uk online lottery promo,confirm receipt by sending your name, address, age, phone number etc to mrpinkett1@9.cn

12.От кого:
Дата:Fri, 5 Mar 2010 06:14:52 -0800 (PST)
Тема:Ваш адрес электронной почты ВЫИГРАЛ GUINNESS STOUT ПООЩРЕНИЕ 2010 (ДОПОЛНЕНО УВАЖАЕМЫЕ счастливчика)

Гарольд ДОРОЖНОГО SUTTON Greater London
SM1 4TE Соединенного Королевства.

Поздравление (Dear Lucky Winner)

Мы рады сообщить вам о результатах только что завершившейся ежегоднойОкончательный обращает состоявшемся в марте 2010 GUINNESS 4-я STOUT компании Пропаганды во всем мире, ваша почта была в числе 10 победителей, которым повезло выиграла GBP (Great British Pounds) £ 500,000.00 по каждой Гиннеса STOUT Компания.

Однако результаты были освобождены в марте 2010 и 4-я ваша почта была прикреплена к номер билета (GSPR2010J) и голосование номер (BN: 225182006/20A) онлайн ничьих была проведена по принципу случайного выбора адресов электронной почты с эксклюзивным список 129031 адреса электронной почты физических и юридических лиц взял по передовой автоматизированной случайный поиск компьютера! Я из Интернета. Тем не менее, было продано ни одного билета но! LL адресов электронной почты были назначены на разные номера билета Представление и PR конфиденциальности.
Процесс отбора был проведен путем случайного выбора в нашей Email компьютеризированные машины выбора (топаз) из базы данных более чем 1250000 адресов электронной почты из всех континентов мира.

В других требовать вашего GBP £ 500,000.00 премию, которая была хранение в уполномоченный банк. Однако, вы должны будете заполнить форму ниже и отправьте ее менеджеру продвижения компаниидля проверки, а затем вы будете направлены в банк, чтобы перевели GBP £ 500,000.00 уже были сданы на хранение в вашу пользу.

Пожалуйста, мы советуем вам заполнить форму и отправить его немедленно наш менеджер по продвижению через электронную почту или факс по оперативному сбору vаш фонд от уполномоченного банка.
(Контактные менеджер по продвижению)
Название: Эдвард Демпси
Телефон: +447024097597
E MAIL: dempseyedward@ymail.com

Вы должны держать все лота информации от широкой общественности Особенно ваш номер билета и номер голосованием. (Это важно, поскольку При двухместном претензий не будет развлекать).
* Персонал Гиннеса STOUT компании не примут участие в этой лотерее пожалуйста предупредите *
Примите мои сердечные поздравления еще раз!

С уважением,Проф Марк Джерри



Дата:Fri, 05 Mar 2010 12:42:13 GMT

Тема:From Uefa Champions League: Your email has emerged you a winner

Your email has won you $700,000.00 in the 2010 UEFA Champion League promo sponsored by Heineken.To claim your prize, contact our assigned Agent, Mr. Edward Samuel at:

Email: uefa@mail2sporty.com
Tel: +447011146614.
Address: London.
You are advised to keep your winning confidential and also encourage you to be a fan of UEFA champion matches.
You are also entitled to the on-going UEFA Champion "Predict-and-Win" Promo, predict the winner of this 2010 UEFA Champions League correctly to win $10,000,000.00.


15.От кого:diane langone

Дата:Tue, 2 Mar 2010 19:57:57 -0500


Dear esteemed recipient,You have to confirm your win by sending an email with your full details.this is your winning code:09PAD when calling your claims director.due to the fact that you have sent more than 3 txts/email messages in 2months your email have won Two Million United States Dollar in our ENALOTTO ONLINE PROGRAM.

Claims Manager:
Name:Mr Marco Ferera
Enalotto Claims Department
Phone: +393291895768
Email: fereramarco@yahoo.com.hk
You are advised to send the following information to your Claims Agent to facilitate the rename.
4. Contact Address
5. Telephone Number
6. Fax Number
7. Marital Status
8. Occupation
9. My Date of birth
10. Sex
He shall immediately commence the process that will facilitate the release of your fund to you.
Congratulations!! Once again.
Kind Regards,
Mr Marco Ferera


Дата:Fri, 05 Mar 2010 15:25:05 +0800 (SGT)

Тема:ATM CARD Award.

You have been awarded an ATM VISA CARD of $5000000.00 by The Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) Your claims file has been duly forwarded to this office with specific instructions to delivery it to you.Kindly send the below information for claims fo your winnings to Contact Person: Mr Smith Raymond EMAIL: mrsmithraymond11@yahoo.cn Provide him with the information: 1.Full Name:, 2.Full Address:, 3.Phone NUmber:, 4.Age:, 5.Country:

17.От кого:nana johnson <3nana@in.com>
Дата:Tue, 09 Mar 2010 15:38:43 +0530


Permit me to solicit for your assistance to invest in your Country.I have been searching for a addvanced/developing country with economic and political stability to invest in. I wish you will be of a greatassistance to me considering your position and statues in Business. However, I will keep further detail personal till when I read from you. I wish mydream to invest in your Country will be a successful one...I do expect to read from you as soon as possible annajohnsnjj@yahoo.com.my Yours,Miss Anna.

18От кого:James Brown
Дата:Thu, 18 Mar 2010 07:41:01 -0700 (PDT)
Тема:From James Brown
From James Brown
Accounting Officer
EMAIL: mrjbrown11@emailclick.com

I am a senior Accountant in my Bank and Accounting officer to Hamid Ayed who was a contractor with the government of BENIN. On Thursday 25th December

2003 Hamid Ayed died along with families and Business Partners, victims of UTA Flight 141 Boeing 727 bound for Beirut which crashed shortly after take-off in Benin Republic from Country's main city, Cotonou.
Most occupants of the plan unfortunately lost their lives. Since then, the Board of Directors of my Bank have made several enquirers to their embassy to locate any of my customer's extended relations but to no avail. I have contacted you to assist in repatriating the money and Property left behind by my client before they get Confiscated or declared unserviceable by the bank where this Huge deposits of US$20.5M was lodged.
The Bank has published several Notices for the Next of Kin of the deceased to apply for collection of these Funds or have the account confiscated within a shot Period of time. Since I have been unsuccessful in locating the relatives for over 2 years now I seek your consent to present you as the Next of kin of the deceased, so that the proceeds of this Account valued at US$20.5 million dollars can be paid to you and Then you and me can share the money, 65% to me and 35% to you. I have all necessary legal documents that can be used to backup any claim we may make. All I require is your honest cooperation to enable this deal through.
I guarantee that this will be executed under a legitimate Arrangement that will protect you from any breach of the Law. Please get in touch with my email mrjbrown11@emailclick.com and send to me you’re Telephone and fax numbers to enable us further about this Transaction. Please reply this letter to my alternative for security Purpose.
Best regards,
James Brown.

19.От кого:"Ms. Deborah Cooke"
Дата:Sat, 20 Mar 2010 01:16:36 GMT
Тема:Важное сообщение

Уважаемые Удачливый Победительr,
Ваш адрес электронной почты был выбран в 2010 лотерею ничьих поощрения проводится Европейской лотерее интерактивная программа претендовать на сумму в размере 500000 долларов США. Заявлять свои права на присуждена премия, вам необходимо связаться с нашими законными фидуциарных агентов.
Контактное лицо: Доктор Лукас Филлипса
Электронная почта: l_philips99@live.com
Телефон: +2348037745929
Поздравляем еще раз!

Дата:Sun, 21 Mar 2010 08:14:01 GMT
Тема:Congratulations!!!You have won Australia lottery Worth of $400,000 USD
Winning Numbers 1 2 26 30 40 21

Congratulations you won the lottery of $400,000 USD. for further information and claim, contact your claims agent with the below email address and quote these numbers.
Ticket number: 675061725 9356460902,Ref: 575061725, Batch: 8056490902/188, Cash credit file ref: ILP/Hw 46704/08
E-MAIL: edward.lotteryagent5@yahoo.com.au
Keep it confidential until you claim your prize.

Дата:Sat, 20 Mar 2010 10:27:52 -0700 (PDT)

Your Email address have been picked as a winner of a lump sum pay out of£250,000.00 GBP(Two Hundred And Fifty Thousand Great British Pounds) in cash credited to file REF NO.REF:UKHY/BD3113BD.Your Email Ref Number falls within our European booklet representative's office in United Kingdom.
Bar.Harry Raymond
Email :bar.harryraymonddesk@9.cn

22.От кого:Alert
Дата:Mon, 22 Mar 2010 18:56:12 +0800 (SGT)
Тема:Irish 2010 Grant Winner

£1,000,000Pounds has been awarded to you in the U.KPROMO.send your details as follows:
Email: redeem_prize@live.co.uk

23.От кого:Dr Johnson Michael
Дата:Wed, 14 Apr 2010 10:54:31 -0700 (PDT)
Автор: Михаил Dr.Johnson
Тел: + 447035904826
Факс: +44701421690
Я д-р Джонсон Майкл С Harlsden, Северо-Западном Лондоне, здесь, в Англии. Я работаю в Natwest Bank Corporation Лондоне, я пишу вам из моего офиса, который будет иметь огромную пользу нам обоим. В моем отделе, будучи помощником менеджера (Большого Лондона Региональное отделение), я обнаружил заброшенный сумму в размере 12,5 млн. долларов США (Двенадцать миллионов пятьсот тысяч доллары США) в счет, принадлежащий одному из наших зарубежных клиентов покойный г-н Томпсон Моррисон Американский гражданин, к сожалению, погиб в авиакатастрофе в Аляска Airlines рейса 261, который разбился на 31 января 2000, в том числе его жена и единственная дочь.
Выбор связаться с вами, это вызвало из географического характера, где вы живете, в частности, из-за чувствительности сделки. И конфиденциальность в данном документе. Сейчас в нашем банке ждали какого-либо из родственников прийти-за претензии, но никто этого не сделала. Я лично не увенчались успехом в поиске родственников в течение 2 лет, я прошу вашего согласия вам представить, как ближайших родственников / Будет получателя с умершим, чтобы доходы от этого счета на сумму 12,5 миллионов долларов могут быть выплачены к вам.
Это будет выплачено или совместно в этих процентах, 60% мне и 40% для вас. Мне удалось собрать все необходимые юридические документы, которые можно использовать для резервного копирования это утверждение мы делаем. Все мне нужно, это заполнить ваши имена на документы и легализовать его в суд здесь, чтобы испытать вас, как законного получателя. Все, что я сейчас требуют ваши честные сотрудничество, конфиденциальность и доверие, чтобы позволить нам увидеть эту сделку до конца. Я гарантирую вам, что это будет выполнено согласно законной договоренности, которая Защитят вас от любого нарушения закона.
Пожалуйста, предоставьте мне следующее: как мы уже 5 дней, чтобы выполнить его до конца. Это очень срочно, пожалуйста.
1. Полное имя
2. Ваш телефонный номер
3. Ваш контактный адрес.
4. Ответ от моего офиса адрес электронной почты
Срочные меры в ответ; drjohnsonmichael0i@hotmail.co.uk
Пройдя через методический поиск, я решил связаться с вами, надеясь, что вы найдете это предложение интересным. Пожалуйста, на подтверждение этого сообщения, и, указав свой интерес будет представлять Вам более подробную информацию. Усилия, чтобы мне знать ваше решение, а не заставляйте меня ждать.
С уважением, Д-р Майкл Джонсон
Tel: + 44776092206
Факс: +447014216900

24.От кого:Free Lotto Award
Дата:Thu, 15 Apr 2010 01:38:31 -0700 (PDT)
Тема:(без темы
Your email address has just been selected to be a possible winner of the $1,000,000.00 (One Million United State Dollars).
If selected, Send your details to us for more details below:
1.Full Name:
2.Full Address:
3.Marital Status:
Email: winsclaim5@btinternet.com
Your Mrs. Judith Brown at Selected Winner

25.От кого:UK LOTTERY
Дата:Thu, 15 Apr 2010 13:29:22 +0000
£1,000,000 Pounds Lucky Winner
You have just been awarded,the sum of £1,000,000.00 GBP in the UK Award 2010,Bonanza held March. For Claims email your details to:
Regards,Mr.Phil Herald

26.От кого:Mrs Emilly Olivier Jackman
Дата:Thu, 15 Apr 2010 12:31:40 GMT
My Dear,

I am sure this mail would be coming to you as a surprise since we have never met before and you would also be asking why I have decided to chose you amongst the numerous internet users in the world, precisely I cannot say why I have chosen you but do not be worried for I come in peace and something very positive is about to happen to your life right now and to the lives of others through you if only you can carefully read and digest the message below. The internet has made the world global villages where you can reach anybody you have not met before.
Before I move further, permit me to give you a little of my biography, I am Mother Emilly Olivier, 87 Years old woman and the wife of Late Sir Jackman Olivier who died in a Plane crash on Monday the 7th of September 1998 GMT 14:22 UK while they were flying from New York to Geneva. Please see site below for more information. http://www.cnn.com/WORLD/9809/swissair.victims.list/index.html
After the death of my husband I became the Head of his investment and now that I am old and weak I have decided to spend the rest of my life with my family and loved ones whom I never had time for during the course of my business life, but before the death of my husband we had a plan to use the last days of our lives to donate half of what we have worked for to the less privilege and charity homes and the other half for ourselves, family members and close friends, and it is so unfortunate that my husband is not alive today to do this with me and I am very weak and old now, hence I have decided to do this philanthropic work on behalf of my late husband and I.
Presently, I have willed out almost half of our assets to several charity homes and to some of the less privilege in different countries. Despite the agreement between my late husband and I to give aid to the deprived, we also agreed to render support to an individual we have not meet before in life due to the fact when we were still young in life we receive an anonymous help from an individual we did not know and which we have not being able to know till date, the impact we got from such gesture made us to do same.
I am sorry to inform you that you will never have the chance to know me because I have just concluded the assignment which my husband and I have agreed upon before his sudden death and you happened to be the beneficiary of our last WILL, irrespective of your previous financial status, hence I need you to do me a favor by accepting our offer that will cost you nothing.
I have presently deposited a Cheque in the sum of 5,800,000.00 British Pounds with DHL express to deliver to you, what you have to do now is to contact the DHL COURIER SERVICE as soon as possible to know when they will deliver your package to you because of the expiring date.
For your information, I have paid for the delivering Charge, Insurance Premium and Clearance Certificate Fee of the Cheque showing that it is not a Drug Money or meant to sponsor Terrorist attack in your Country
You have to contact the DHL COURIER SERVICE now for the delivery of your cheque with this information bellow;
Contact Person: Mr. Mark Morris
Email Address: mr.markdhlservices@gmail.com
Tell: +44 703 596 8962
Again, you are not to pay for the delivering Charge, the Insurance premium and the Clearance Certificate Fee of the Cheque because I have already paid for them, the only money you are expected to pay is 165 British Pounds for the security keeping of the cheque so far.
I would have paid the fee but the company insisted that I should not because they don't know when you will be contacting them and to avoid demurrage or further cost.
You are to reconfirm the below information to them to avoid any mistake on the Delivery.
Postal address;
Full Names:Direct telephone number;
Below is the security keeping code: (SCT/0433/F) of your draft, you are to also present it to them for verification before delivery.
Let me repeat again, try to contact them as soon as you receive this mail to avoid any further delay and remember to ask them to provide you with the method they wish to use in receiving their security keeping fee of 165 British Pounds for their immediate action.
Note: Please I do not want you to thank me or my husband all I need you to do is to invest wisely with it and do the same good to someone’s life someday as this is the only way this world would be a better community if we render selfless services to one another.
Yours Faithfully
Mrs. Emilly Olivier Jackman

27.От кого:Miss Esther Martial
Дата:Sun, 2 May 2010 17:36:34 +0000 (GMT)
Тема:Здравствуйте, дорогие

Здравствуйте, дорогие.Дополнение день для вас.

Пожалуйста, простите меня, если я вмешиваться в вашу личную жизнь, меня зовут мисс Эстер боевых, возраст 23, рост 5 футов 11 дюймов, вес 62 я единственная дочь покойного г-на боевых из Судана, Восточной Африке, мой отец был генеральным директором с нефтяная компания CNPC на нефтеперерабатывающем заводе в Хартум в Судане. Я заметил, вы важные личности, прежде чем я решился связаться с вами.

Пожалуйста, я хотел бы знать больше о вас, потому что я хотел бы поделиться с вами, и что более важно, у меня есть со мной некоторые средства, которые я хотел, чтобы вкладывать средства в хороший бизнес. Я желаю вам может быть честным до меня, так что я могу пойти в эту инвестиций с вами на моей стороне, и я также потребуются ваши добрые советы.

Прежде всего, я хотел бы знать, что вы делаете для жизни, помни, ты мое внимание привлекла именно поэтому я связался с вами в первую очередь. Вы будете знать, как мне больше мы общаемся с собой. Я пошлю мои картины к вам в моем следующем электронной почте, и я хотел вам отправить мне свои фотографии для моего прочтения.

Спасибо за понимание, надеясь услышать от вас скоро.
От всего сердца

Hello dear Complement of the day to you.
Please pardon me if i interfere into your privacy, my name is Miss Esther Martial, Age 23, height 5 ft 11 inches, weight 62 i am the only daughter of Late Mr. Martial from Sudan East Africa, my father was the general manager with CNPC oil company at the Khartoum refinery in Sudan,. I observed you are an important personality before i made up my mind to contact you.
Please i will like to know more about you because i wish to share true love with you and more importantly, i have with me some funds which i will like to invest in a good business. I wish you could be honest to me so that i can go into this investment with you by my side and i will also need your good advices.
First of all, I will like to know what you do for a living; remember you caught my attention that was why i contacted you in the first place. You will know me more as we communicate along. I shall send my pictures to you in my next e-mail; I will like you to send me your pictures for my perusal.
Thanks for your understanding, hoping to hear from you soon
From my heart
Miss Esther

28.От кого:Charles Scott
Дата:Mon, 3 May 2010 06:57:41 +0100
Тема:From: Charles Scott From: Charles Scott
Imperial Finance Limited, UK

Dear Friend,
I am Mr. Charles Scott, the Auditor General, Imperial Finance Limited UK . In the course of my auditing, I discovered a floating fund in an account, which was opened in 1990 belonging to a dead foreigner who died in 1999. Every effort made to track any member of his family or next of kin has since failed; hence I got in contact with you to stand as his next of kin since you bear the same last name. He died leaving no heir or a will.
My intention is to transfer this sum of $15.5M in the aforementioned account to a safe account overseas. I am therefore proposing that you quietly partner with me and provide an account or set up a new one that will serve the purpose of receiving this fund. For your assistance in this venture, I am ready to part with a good percentage of the entire funds. After going through the deceased person's records and files, I discovered that:
(1) No one has operated this account since 1999
(2) He died without an heir; hence the money has been floating.
(3) No other person knows about this account and there was no known beneficiary.
If I do not remit this money urgently, it would be forfeited and subsequently converted to company's funds, which will benefit only the directors of my firm. This money can be approved to you legally as with all the necessary documentary approvals in your name. However, you would be required to show some proof of claim, which I will provide you with and also guide you on how to make your applications.
Please do give me a reply so that I can send you detailed information on the modalities of my proposition. I completely trust you to keep this proposition absolutely confidential. Kindly forward your telephone number where I can reach you easily. I look forward to your prompt response.
Best Regards,
Mr. Charles Scott

29.От кого:"Mrs Emily Oliver Jackman"
Дата:Mon, 03 May 2010 09:14:13 GMT
Тема:Contact DHL Courier Service For Your Cheque

My Dear,
I am sure this mail would be coming to you as a surprise since we have never met before and you would also be asking why I have decided to chose you amongst the numerous internet users in the world, precisely I cannot say why I have chosen you but do not be worried for I come in peace and something very positive is about to happen to your life right now and to the lives of others through you if only you can carefully read and digest the message below.
The internet has made the world global villages where you can reach anybody you have not met before.
Before I move further, permit me to give you a little of my biography,I am Mother Emilly Olivier, 87 Years old woman and the wife of Late Sir Jackman Olivier who died in a Plane crash on Monday the 7th of September 1998 GMT 14:22 UK while they were flying from New York to Geneva.
Please see site below for more information http://www.cnn.com/WORLD/9809/swissairvictims.list/index.html
After the death of my husband I became the Head of his investment and now that I am old and weak I have decided to spend the rest of my life with my family and loved ones whom I never had time for during the course of my business life, but before the death of my husband we had a plan to use the last days of our lives to donate half of what we have worked for to the less privilege and charity homes and the other half for ourselves, family members and close friends, and it is so unfortunate that my husband is not alive today to do this with me and I am very weak and old now, hence I have decided to do this hilanthropic work on behalf of my late husband and I.
Presently, I have willed out almost half of our assets to several charity homes and to some of the less privilege in different countries.
Despite the agreement between my late husband and I to give aid to the deprived, we also agreed to render support to an individual we have not meet before in life due to the fact when we were still young in life we receive an anonymous help from an individual we did not know and which we have not being able to know till date, the impact we got from such gesture made us to do same.
I am sorry to inform you that you will never have the chance to know me because I have just concluded the assignment which my husband and I have agreed upon before his sudden death and you happened to be the beneficiary of our last WILL, irrespective of your previous financial status, hence I need you to do me a favor by accepting our offer that will cost you nothing I have presently deposited a Cheque in the sum of 5,800,000.00 British Pounds with DHL express to deliver to you, what you have to do now is to contact the DHL COURIER SERVICE as soon as possible to know when they will deliver your package to you because of the expiring date.
For your information, I have paid for the delivering Charge, Insurance Premium and Clearance Certificate Fee of the Cheque showing that it is not a Drug Money or meant to sponsor Terrorist attack in your Country You have to contact the DHL COURIER SERVICE now for the delivery of your cheque with this information bellow;
Contact Person: Mr. Mark Morris
Email Address: :::mrmarkmorrisdhlservices55@gmail.com Tell: +44 704 571 9991
Again, you are not to pay for the delivering Charge, the Insurance premium and the Clearance Certificate Fee of the Cheque because I have already paid for them, the only money you are expected to pay is 165 British Pounds for the security keeping of the cheque so far.
I would have paid the fee but the company insisted that I should not because they don't know when you will be contacting them and to avoid demurrage or further cost.
You are to reconfirm the below information to them to avoid any mistake on the Delivery.
ostal address;
Full Names:
Direct telephone number;
Below is the security keeping code: (SCT/0433/F) of your draft, you are to also present it to them for verification before delivery.
Let me repeat again, try to contact them as soon as you receive this mail to avoid any further delay and remember to ask them to provide you with the method they wish to use in receiving their security keeping fee of 165 British Pounds for their immediate action.
Note: Please I do not want you to thank me or my husband all I need you to do is to invest wisely with it and do the same good to someone’s life someday as this is the only way this world would be a better community if we render selfless services to one another.
Yours Faithfully
Mrs. Emilly Olivier Jackman

Дата:Wed, 12 May 2010 02:20:35 -0700 (PDT)
Тема:У вас есть выигран Денежный приз!

This is to inform you that you have won our prize money award of € 600,000.00 (SIX HUNDRED THOUSAND ONLY) for the May and June Lottery promotion which was organized by Loteria De Cataluñya award team España.However you will have to fill and submit your below details to the promotion manager in our regional branch in London,UK for the release of your funds.
Name:Mr.Keller Parker Tel: +447024034838
E-mail: keller_parker@mail2consultant.com
1, Your Full Names:2, Date of birth:3, Present Contact Address:4, Country Of Residence: 5, Tel/Fax:6, Your Winning serial and ref. no:7, Email address:8, Occupation:9, Sex:10 Total amount won:
NOTE: For Security reasons, you are advised to keep your winning information CONFIDENTIAL and take all reasonable steps to ensure that the information in this email is accurate. However, the company gives no warranty, whether express or implied, regarding the content of this email, nor do we accept liability for any loss or damage which may result from your receipt of this message. Any decision made by an individual based on information in this email is the responsibility of that individual alone. You have to note that the only person that have the right to represent you in your claim is your appointed Agent only.

31.От кого:UK National Lottery Board
Дата:Wed, 12 May 2010 18:04:57 -0700
Тема:Your E-mail ID have won £500.000.00GBP

Your E-mail ID have won £500.000.00GBP, reply with your details

Дата:Thu, 13 May 2010 10:56:13 +0300 (EEST)

EURO MILLIONS Watford, Head Office and Regional Centre Euro Millions, Tolpits Lane, Watford, Herts, WD18 9RN U.K. PRIZE AND AWARD NOTIFICATION We are pleased to inform you of the announcement today of winners of the mega jackpot lotto winnings program held on 10th MAY,2010.Your company or your personal e-mail address,is attached to Ticket Number 9901-0148-790-691,with serial number 66109-17 drew the lucky Winning Numbers 990-11-815-37-10-83, and consequently won the lottery in the 2nd category. You have therefore been approved for a lump sum pay out of Ј420,000.00Pounds in cash credited to file REF NO:EML/56-TF-890776,BATCH:109/91300/EML.This is from total prize money of Ј10,500,000.00 Pounds shared among the Twenty five (25)international winners in this category. To claim your winning prize, you must first contact the claims department by email or phone for processing and remittance of your prize money to you. The claims officer contact email is: Prize Processing Officer Mr. Owen victor Email:victor_owen@live.com victor_owen@gala.net Tel: +447035949164 You are also required to forward the following details to your prize processing officer. This will help facilitate the processing of your claims and certificate which will employ the release of your winnings. 1. NAME IN FULL: 2. ADDRESS: 3. PHONE/FAX: 4. OCCUPATION: 5 SEX NOTE: In order to avoid unnecessary delays and complications, please remember to quote your reference and batch numbers in all correspondences with this office.Furthermore, should there be any change of your address,do inform us as soon as possible. Congratulations again from all our staff for being part of our promotions program. Sincerely, Paula Ackermann (Mrs.), Euro Millions Coordinator.

33.От кого:FedEx Courier Express UK©
Дата:Thu, 13 May 2010 13:36:36 +0300 (EEST)
Тема:Dear Customer/Beneficiary!

Dear Customer/Beneficiary!
Kindly contact our delivery department with the details
Given below: FedEx Courier Express UK©
Contact Person: Mr.Daniel Cole E-mail:fedexng121@live.com Telephone: +4470359 96450
Reasons: This is due to the fact that we are in possession .Of your Package containing a master card worth of five Hundred Thousand United State Dollars that was registered With us by the Master Card Award Team for shipment to you, You are to act fast by providing your postal address and Your direct phone number to enable us makes the delivery ASAP. Note that as soon as our Delivery Team confirms your Informations, it will take only two working days (48 hours) For your package to arrive your designated address. For your Information, the Mail, VAT & Shipping fees have been paid by The Award Promo Board you will only have to pay a sum of £200.00 pounds (GBP) to the FedEx Courier Department being full payment For the Security Keeping Fee of the FedEx Courier as stated In our privacy terms & condition page. Yours Faithfully

34.От кого:Uk National Lottery
Дата:Fri, 14 May 2010 10:19:45 -0700 (PDT)

Congratulations your email address just won the sum of 5,000,000 Pound Sterlings from UK INTERNATIONAL LOTTERY BOARD for the Year 2010.The Promotion usually run twice a Year with a data base of one hundred million email address selected from a computer random across the globe which your email address came first amoung the three lucky winners.
For claims, fill the form below your Name:, Address:, State:,Age:, Phone number:, Occupation: etc to contact
Mr. Abel Dave on (dpamela@live.com) .Telephone : +447014248344.

35.От кого:Paulete Dabah
Дата:Sat, 15 May 2010 12:01:15 +0000 (GMT)

Я знаю, это письмо придет к вам, как удивление, поскольку мы не встретились раньше или же всю предыдущую переписку друг с другом, я извиняюсь, и хотел бы извиниться за причиненные неудобства, я прошу вас дать мне аудиторию, чтобы выразить я. Я хочу начать сообщить вам, что я получил свой адрес электронной почты в одном из сайтов во время навигации в Интернете в поисках иностранного представителя бизнеса, а затем решился написать и таблицы мою просьбу к вам. Я в остро нуждаются и хотят иметь хорошие отношения с Вами на основе взаимопонимания, честности и взаимного доверия. Я хочу, чтобы вы знали, что у меня есть особые причины для связи с вами из-за срочности мои страдания.
Я считаю, что мы оба должны быть готовы познакомиться друг с другом в глубине души, доля моего одиночества, мысли, разочарования, трудности и страдания, прежде чем я дальше. Я хотел бы воспользоваться этой возможностью, чтобы представить себе, чтобы вы сможете познакомиться со мной и точно, что мне нужно от вас. Меня зовут Paulete Dabah, я 23 лет девушка из Либерии. Я единственная дочь доктора Адиса Dabah кто был убит во время войны в моей стране была очень напряженной, до смерти отца он был известный купец в какао, кола орехи, орехи кешью, искусство работы, земельный участок разработчик и алмазов дилера, мой отец и мать оба были убиты неизвестными мужчинами пушки никто не знаю, почему они были убиты. Моя мать умерла на месте, а мой отец был доставлен в частную больницу, где он жил и умер, но перед смертью он показал мне все об этом деньги, так как я единственный ребенок у него есть.
Я вынужден с вами из-за жестокого обращения я получаю от моего шага мать, она планирует отнять все мои покойного отца казны и имущества от меня с неожиданной смерти моего любимого отца, в то время я хотел бежать в Европу, но она спрятаться мой заграничный паспорт и другие ценные проездные документы. Мне очень повезло, чтобы обнаружить, где мой отец в файл, который содержит важные документы были сохранены. Так что я решил бежать в лагерь беженцев, где я в настоящее время ищут убежища в соответствии с Управлением Верховного комиссара Организации Объединенных Наций по делам беженцев здесь в Дакаре, Сенегал.
Я хотел бы связаться с Вами лично для долгого срока деловые отношения и инвестиции помощь в вашей стране, отцу на хранение сумму 6,7 млн. долл. США в банк с моим именем в качестве бл

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Кому нужна аренда строительной техники